Under the Settlement, Defendants or their insurers will pay $2,100,000 into a Qualified Settlement Fund to resolve the claims of the Settlement Class against Defendants. The Net Settlement Amount (after deduction of any Court-approved Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, Administrative Expenses, and Class Representative Compensation) will be allocated to Settlement Class
Members according to a Plan of Allocation to be approved by the Court. Settlement Class Members who are entitled to a distribution may receive their distribution directly into their Plan Account, as a check or, if they choose, as a rollover to a qualified retirement account.
In addition, prospectively, for a period of no less than three years, Pride Mobility Products Corporation or the Plan trustee will retain an independent investment manager to manage the OIA and its investment.
All Settlement Class Members and anyone claiming through them will fully release the Plan as well as Defendants and the Released Parties from certain Released Claims, as defined in the Settlement Agreement. The Released Parties include each Defendant and certain related parties as outlined in the Settlement Agreement. The Released Claims include any claims against any of the Released Parties with respect to the Plan that were asserted in the Action against Defendants or could have been asserted against Defendants.
This is only a summary of the Released Claims and is not a binding description. The governing releases are found within the Settlement Agreement.